Last week was quite a busy week for me at work and so I did take a break on the new monkeys I´m making. Another co-worker ordered two of those for her daughters and so I finished Penelope to give to the new owner tomorrow and now I´m in the progress of finishing the other two. One of her daighters decided for the yellow one with the bigger apples and her other daughter wants the blue one with the pink fox on it. So now I´m watching some movies and handsew them together. 

Following some more pics... and one of Penelope wih her new sweater...

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    Hi, my Name is Beatrice and I´m an artist who works with different media, including socks. I also love to knit and crochet and just being in love with crafts and being creative and able to use my imagination.


    August 2012


    Monkeys In The Making